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Polkadot RWA Projects

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Here is a list with the best Polkadot wallets like Nova Wallet, Talisman, SubWallet and Polkadot Vault to secure and manage your crypto assets effectively across the entire Polkadot Dapps ecosystem.

Polkadot RWA Projects

RWA Projects Videos

2024.11 Centrifuge Governance Call 31

Governance Update. Strategic token swap initiative for Centrifuge DAO. Renewal RWA lending market liquidity bootstrap.

Centrifuge on Polkadot bringing over $220m in Real World Assets on Chain!

Today Csaint gets real with Centrifuge the Polkadot parachain bringing Real World Assets on chain with partners like MakerDAO and BlockTower Capital.

Xcavate in 90 seconds

Xcavate presentation