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Polkadot Mexico

Empowering blockchain adoption on Mexico

The Polkadot Mexico initiative is a collective effort by seven dedicated polkadot ambassadors to foster the Polkadot community in Mexico. This collective, known also as Mexican Collective DV, has significantly contributed to building and representing the Mexican Polkadot community at various events across the United States and Europe. By actively participating in OpenGov, they promote social inclusion and individual development within the ecosystem, strengthening the social fabric of the Polkadot community. Inclusion is fundamental to a fair and just society, and Polkadot Mexico ensures that community members have a platform to voice their opinions and contribute to the ecosystem’s growth.

Polkadot Mexico Community Engagement and Inclusion

The Mexican Collective prioritizes creating an inclusive environment where individuals who have consistently contributed to the community can have their proposals considered. This approach ensures that the community embraces diversity and takes concrete actions to allow everyone the right to express opinions and make proposals. By doing so, Polkadot Mexico aims to progress towards a more inclusive society, addressing the exclusion many individuals face due to a lack of resources and opportunities.

Promoting Polkadot and Web3 Adoption

Representing a prominent and active community in Mexico, Polkadot Mexico has firmly consolidated interest in Polkadot and promoted the adoption of Web3 technology. Every event organized by the collective, from planning to execution, is meticulously managed to maintain high standards of quality. This dedication ensures that speakers and workshop leaders meet the highest standards, providing valuable insights and knowledge to the community.

Polkadot Mexico Members Background and Experience

  • Erick: Since 2020, Erick has been passionate about Web3 and the Polkadot ecosystem. As one of the first ambassadors in Mexico, he has played a crucial role in building the community and organizing events. His work with KILT Protocol and other projects showcases his dedication and leadership within the ecosystem.
  • Luis: A computer systems engineer with experience in business development, Luis has been active in the Polkadot ecosystem since 2022. He has contributed significantly as a Polkadot Ambassador and Centrifuge Active Contributor, leading the Spanish-speaking Centrifuge community.
  • Armando: An active participant in the Polkadot ecosystem since 2020, Armando has been involved in organizing various community events and workshops. His role as Head Ambassador at Polimec and Community Manager of Tododecripto highlights his commitment to educating and growing the Mexican community.
  • Amaury: Amaury has been instrumental in developing events in Mexico, serving as an assistant in numerous Polkadot-related events. His dedication to the community is evident through his active participation in organizing and supporting events.
  • Cesar: Active in the crypto ecosystem since 2020, Cesar became a Polkadot ambassador in 2022. He has organized events, created content, and collaborated with various community members and projects, enhancing his influence and contribution to the ecosystem.
  • Rodrigo: Since mid-2020, Rodrigo has been involved in the Polkadot ecosystem, contributing to community awareness and education through meetups and content creation. His efforts aim to make the Mexican community a reference for Polkadot education both locally and internationally.
  • Javier Eli: With a focus on talent growth and education, Javier has been an ambassador since 2022. His role in organizing events and creating content showcases his dedication to building and growing the community.

Polkadot Mexico OpenGov Voting Considerations

When evaluating proposals from Polkadot Mexico, several key points should be considered:

  • Community Inclusion: Ensuring that proposals promote inclusivity within the community.
  • Value to the Community: Assessing the potential impact and benefits of the proposal.
  • Reasonable Budget: Ensuring the budget aligns with the objectives and expected outcomes.
  • Reputation and Experience: Considering the proposer’s history and contributions within the ecosystem.
  • Transparency: Evaluating the clarity and openness regarding achieved goals and previous proposals.
  • Alignment with Ecosystem Goals: Ensuring the proposal aligns with the broader objectives of the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Community Feedback and Engagement: Considering input and engagement from the community.
  • Scalability and Long-term Impact: Assessing the potential for long-term benefits and growth.


Through their dedication and active participation, the ambassadors of Mexican Collective DV have created a thriving and inclusive Polkadot community in Mexico. By focusing on social inclusion, high-quality events, and consistent engagement, they continue to drive the adoption and growth of Web3 technologies within the region.

Polkadot Mexico Videos

Como desarrollar proyectos en Blockchain sin ser programador

En este video Javier y Priscila, BizDev de Tech de Tech nos relatan como es que podemos involucrarnos en la construcción de programas y proyectos en web3 sin tener necesariamente un perfil técnico, como contribuyo en el desarrollo de eventos en su ciudad.

Minimal Relay, People Chain y las nuevas actualizaciones en Kusama

En este video Javier y Armando nos cuentan un poco de las nuevas actualizaciones de Kusama, como es que se estarán integrando las system chains para lograr aligerar la carga de la relay chain, logrando una ejecución sin precedentes dentro del ecosistema de Polkadot

La historia detrás de Polkadot México

En este video Armando de Todo de Cripto hace una entrevista a Erick respecto a los inicios de Polkadot México y cómo es que este equipo ha logrado posicionar a Polkadot a nivel nacional y lo que se viene para este año de la mano de Polkadot México y el colectivo mexicano.

Tokenizacion de Activos del Mundo Real con Centrifuge

Video extraído de nuestro Twitter space con Enrique KSM, quien es miembro del Colectivo Mexicano, nos comenta todo es lo que tiene Centrifudge en el sector del los activos del mundo real