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Staking Made Possible for Everyone.

Staking4All is a trusted provider of non-custodial staking services for PoS blockchains. The team has extensive experience in running full nodes, validator nodes, and RPC nodes, dating back to 2018. This deep technical knowledge ensures that the validators are both secure and reliable. Staking4All emphasizes security and user control, adhering to the principle of “not your keys, not your crypto,” meaning that users’ assets remain under their control at all times. Staking4All offers a range of staking options across multiple blockchains, including leading ecosystems such as Polygon, Polkadot, Near, Harmony One, and more. The non-custodial delegation service makes it simple for anyone to participate in PoS consensus, earn rewards, and be part of the future of decentralized finance. The company’s goal is to make staking accessible to everyone, providing a user-friendly, secure, and reliable staking experience.

Staking4All Supported Networks

Staking4All operates validators on several robust and secure networks. The current supported networks include:

  • Polkadot
  • Kusama
  • Kilt
  • Moonriver
  • Bifrost …

In addition to these, Staking4All also helps secure the Umbrella, Altair, Composable, and Centrifuge networks, reinforcing their commitment to network security and reliability.

Staking4All Tools and Services

Staking4All has developed several innovative tools to support their staking operations and enhance user experience:

  1. Validator Bot: Launched in February 2020, this bot allows Harmony One Validators to monitor their nodes, ensuring smooth and efficient operation.
  2. Tipping Bot: Introduced in April 2020, this bot enables Telegram users to tip each other in ONE tokens and hold small amounts within the Telegram platform.
  3. HashBet Bot: Debuted in May 2020, this bot allows Telegram users to bet on the next hash on the Harmony network, adding an element of fun with entertaining gifs for bets.

Staking4All Community Videos

How to Stake/Nominate on Polkadot

Polkadot Nomination Pools

Joining a pool on Polkadot new staking dashboard

Auto compounding Polkadot pool rewards