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Bounty Manager

Effortless bounty curation with intuitive UI.

Bounty Manager is designed to make bounty curation effortless and abstract the blockchain technicalities away from the end user.

Bounty Manager offers a user-friendly UI, with actions presented as two-click buttons, lowering the barrier of entry to users who are not familiar with the complicated developer platforms required to submit extrinsics.

Polkadot Bounty Manager Key Features

  • Curator Tailored UI: Logging in automatically adapts the curator UI to information relevant to the user, displaying their bounties in a sectioned interface.
  • Simplified Bounty Curation: All curator actions are presented in forms with a minimum number of necessary fields for the user to fill in to execute the transaction.
  • All Bounty Information in One Place: Users can browse through all bounties and see child bounties and other related data.
  • Various Login Methods
    • Multisig users can log in with the Multix app WalletConnect and use Bounty Manager inside Mimir.
    • Multisig signatories can also sign in with their private accounts through any other wallet.
  • Serverless Architecture
    • Built as a strictly front-end application with no database.
    • Bounty Manager fetches and displays data directly from the blockchain.
    • Additional information not available on-chain is sourced from the OpenSquare APIs.
  • Multi-Network Support
    • Currently supporting Polkadot and Paseo.
    • Expansion planned to include Kusama and other Parachains with the bounties palette.
  • Responsive Design
    • Implemented with mobile-first principles.
    • Accessible through mobile browsers and wallets.

Bounty Manager Community Videos

Building Serverless dApps on Polkadot: the Bounty Manager